Our Investment Team
An unrivaled healthcare team with decades of proven experience.

Dr. Evan Melrose
Managing Director
Evan possesses extensive operating, clinical, and investment experience in various aspects of healthcare investments policy (both public and private).

Steve Whitlock
Managing Director
Steve has over 20 years of orthopaedics industry experience, in addition to being a co-founder of Path4 Ventures and an Operating Venture Partner.

Dr. Kelly Huang
Managing Director
Kelly brings extensive experience leading global businesses through the integration of scientific, consumer, and professional insights to create value.

Shannon Rothschild
Managing Director
Shannon brings a diverse healthcare services and healthcare IT background to the Fund.

Dr. Robert McDonald
Operating Partner
Bob has 30 years experience as a physician leader in reimbursement consulting with healthcare insurance and pharma expertise.

Stephen Hipp
Managing Director
+ (In Memoriam 1967 - 2023)
Stephen has 25+ years of investment experience partnering with high growth healthcare companies.